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What We Teach

Because everyone is in a different place in their walk with Jesus, there are plenty of different opinions about how to understand the Bible

Not everyone will agree on everythingBut there are some foundational teachings that the Bible is unmistakably clear on, and we teach thoseSuch as: 

  • God has revealed who he is and how he wants us to live through the Bible. It is inerrant, and is the foundation on which all our understanding of God is built. It tells us that:
  • There is one true, holy God, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • Every person is created by God, is loved by him, and was created to live in a close relationship with him. But every person has chosen to reject God’s design for their lives; the Bible calls this “sin”. Because we are guilty of sinning, every one of us is destined to be separated from God for eternity.
  • Jesus lived a sinless life, preformed miracles, died on the cross, was buried and resurrected back to life. And He is coming back!
  • We are saved from that separation from God by his grace through our faith that Jesus’ death is all that is needed to remove our guilt. That faith changes the way we live.
  • Those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior should have the desire to be baptized and follow through as soon as possible upon their confession of faith. To be followers of Christ, we should do the first thing he commanded us do.
  • When we put our trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to us to guide, comfort, and empower us to become more and more like Jesus until he returns.
  • The Lord’s church is a spiritually-unified entity made up of all born again believers. He created the church to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to minister to the world.