Who We Are
Promise Point is a group of imperfect people who strive to be obedient followers of Jesus Christ.
As a church, we know that our mission is to LOVE GOD and LOVE PEOPLE. Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment is, and he said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and most important command. And the second command is like the first: Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself.” (Matthew 22.37-39)
We are convinced that the Bible is trustworthy to teach us who God is and how he wants us to live, and we choose to do our best to live that out together.
Our Core Values




Our Story
In 2019, a group of Christian friends reconnected as some moved to Granbury while other were already residents. They discovered that many of them had a similar question: “Where should we go to church?”. They began to meet as a small group together to study the Bible and pray. As they prayed, they felt God’s leading to consider starting a non-denominational, Bible-believing church that would be located in the Acton area. Through God’s providence they were led to additional mutual contacts and after much prayer and discussion, a small group of six felt that God was answering their prayers and was leading them to plant a new church.
You might ask “how did they know that God’s hand was in this?”. They remembered the story of Gideon (Judges 6), who also wondered how God was leading him. If you recall, he placed a fleece of sheepskin outside and asked God to first make the fleece wet and the ground around it dry. And then when God did that, he asked him to do the opposite … make the fleece dry and the ground around it wet. And God confirmed that request as well.
So, they decided to trust God and move forward and see what doors God would open or close as they began.
His answers overwhelmed them. Each time they considered a “next step” it seemed God not only opened a door … He kicked the door down. Time after time He made it clear that the direction they were heading was within His will.
They began to contact other friends and contacts and immediately had commitments from 17 people who became charter members of Promise Point. They didn’t know where they would meet, but God allowed them to acquire the current property at 5904 Walnut Creek Circle. First, through a lease … and then six months later through a purchase that was self-funded by the membership.
As we begin of our fifth year, despite overcoming numerous challenges and obstacles that Satan has put in our way, we are optimistic about continuing to follow God’s direction as we support our members in Christian love and reach out to the community to share the “good news” of Jesus. But the secret is not in what we can do … but what God can do if we pray and act according to His will.
We hope you will take the opportunity to come and visit us as we experience the presence of God together.